Sunday, March 9, 2014

Okay, its official - is winter over yet?

I don't normally complain about the seasons - I like winter because its cold and vice versa, I love summer because of the heat (and yes, I have air conditioning in my house!). But this year, I am tired of the snow, the cold and I can't wait for spring!! In fact, yesterday afternoon, I opened the bathroom window for a couple of hours to let in some fresh air (and yes, the furnace did come on once or twice) but it was worth it - fresh air, absolutely lovely. Okay, I am going to complain a little bit here, so bear with me. I have had to change the way I access the internet and with the new system, I couldn't log into my blog! ACK!! So there I was, getting extremely frustrated because I couldn't log in and I had some wonderful things to tell you. Now do you think I can remember what I wanted to tell you.... okay, its official... I am also getting old.... let me amend that... getting older and like wine - I just keep getting better! That's my story!! LOL I have bookmarked this site on my new system, so hopefully I will be able to access it a little better but if you don't hear from me, please hang in there, I will keep trying. I am now off to do some serious stitching on my Toy Shop which is very close to being finished, will take a picture so that you can ooh and aah over it. Until the next time, remember that you are loved. Louise


  1. It's lovely to read you again!! Here in UK we have been enjoying the sunshine this weekend :) Hope it comes your way soon!!

  2. Bonjour Louise,
    Ce printemps tant attendu pointe son nez chez nous en Alsace depuis plusieurs jours
    C'est si sympa aprés ces longues journées grises.
    moi je vais vous souhaiter une belle saison printaniére pleine de soleil.
    En attendant de vous relire
    Amitié de France

  3. I agree....Winter should be over...time for Spring!
