Sunday, June 1, 2014

Doing lots of Nothing

Hi there, ever have one of those days where you do absolutely Nothing!  well,  I have been doing that for the past 2 weeks!  I have been downloading a ton of free e-books on my ipad and just reading to my hearts content... I will be honest, some of them were excellent and others.... well, I am glad they were free. lol  Last Sunday, my sister and husband and kids (all adults) came to Ottawa to have brunch with Dad and I.  okay they were visiting folks in Montreal and they decided to include us in the visit.  (Montreal is about 2 hours drive from Ottawa.)  So I made sure that we invited some of the rest of the gang to join us for brunch - we ended up being 12 people, it was great to see everyone.  I don't know about your family but I know that I don't always get to see my cousins, growing up I would visit my aunts and uncles and if the kids were there, great, if not... maybe another time.  So it was fun time for us because I hadn't seen 2 of my nieces in a couple of years and my nieces and my nephew were trying to figure out when was the last time they had seen each other.  We had a great time but sadly it was over way too soon.  Well, it is about time to get some stitching done, maybe I will start one of the ones that I got in Nashua... Toodles for now, take care and remember that you are loved.  Big hugs from me to you.  Louise

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